Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Mayan Calendar and Imam Mahdi (atfs)

We are close upon the end date of the Mayan Calendar on 21 December 2012. What awaits us only God knows, but God willing we shall find out soon enough. The galactic center will align with the winter solstice sun. Will the effect upon us be dramatic, subtle, or so imperceptible as to be unnoticed altogether? Will we see the return of Imam Mahdi (atfs), the 12th Imam? Or will we have to keep faith and wait longer for the leader of humanity? Will something dramatic occur, like a sunstorm, power outages, an earthquake, a meteor striking the earth? Will at least a small but significant percentage of the human population seek to repent, purify itself, and return back to our Edenic existence, in balance with the entirety of God’s creation, rather than wreaking havoc on the planet and each other? Is the end date meant to indicate that precisely on this day something earth-shattering will occur, The End of the World as We Know It? Or is this date just a general marker of the time-frame in which we live? The prophecies from the Torah, Gospels, Qur’an, and ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad (sawaws) and his Purified Household, the Ahlul Bayt (as) have been fulfilled in many respects, and some appear close to fulfillment. It seems we are living in the times of the general trajectory of the course of events outlined by the Purified Imams (as), particularly with regard to events in Syria. We have already seen the USA recognize the Syrian opposition, following recognition by many Gulf states, European nations, and Turkey, but not without first designating Jabhat an Nusra, the Nusra Front, as a terrorist organization and front for al Qaeda.  Nonetheless, American allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar will continue to supply money and weapons to these terrorists. This fulfills the prophecy from the Ahlul Bayt (as) of a civil war in Sham, with three banners competing, namely the supporters of Ahlul Bayt (as), the official pro-Western opposition, and the Salafi/Wahhabi opposition, also known as the Sufyani. The Assad government seems close to defeat, and once the opposition wins, now with official American backing, it will be very easy for the terrorist element to dominate the new Syria, paving the way for the evil Sufyani to control the region, and from there attack Iraq, and reach into Saudi Arabia.

Perhaps simply through the influence of the alignment of those major heavenly bodies, the galactic equator and the sun, the effect at a distance upon earth will put us on track to be realigned once again with the rest of God’s creation. The Kali Yuga in which we are living, caused by the evil Satan Iblis and the majority of reptilian jinn who live underground and control the worldly political leaders of humanity, will come  to an end, and  the golden age of the Satya Yuga shall emerge. Those who repent will worship the one God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them, and return to the Paradisian ahimsa karma-free diet of bee pollen and fruit, consisting of the perfect balance of the sperm and ovaries of the trees with whom we have a symbiotic relationship on this planet. The milk and honey of our fellow creatures can be obtained cruelty-free, and this diet will keep us in the eternal gardens of physical immortality. The Mahdi and Jesus the Messiah will return to guide us before the Qiyamat, the Day of Resurrection and Judgement.

Will all this happen tomorrow? Probably not. But let us pray that God allows us to take the first steps in the process. Let us glorify God come what may, and continue to act in a path of love for God and God’s creation. Let us believe and do good works, and pray that God will judge us kindly and admit us into Jannatul Firdaus, the Gardens of Paradise, the eternal Edenic abode of Adam and Eve, peace be upon them. The prophet Muhammad (sawaws), said that even if Judgement Day is tomorrow, if you plant a tree today, you shall reap the reward of your good deed. So come what may, let us continue to sow those seed of peace, and pray that God will allow us to inherit the earth and reap the benefits very soon in the presence of God’s Angels, Prophets, and Holy Imams (as). Peace upon those who are guided.


  1. If there is a day when only a few of us are alive I pray, we the lovers of the Awaited Saviour (atfs), are risen from our graves to see him (if we are not alive)

  2. Thought of sharing this article on Imam Mahdi. Worth reading...
