Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day of Arafah: Good News of the Death of King Abdullah and the Imminent Return of Imam Mahdi (as)?

As we approach Yaumul Arafah, the day before the celebration of the Eid of the Hajj pilgrimage, it is notable that one of the prophecies concerning the End Times from the Purified Family of the Prophet Muhammad (sawaws), the Ahlul Bayt (as), concerns the announcement on this day of the death of the last ruler of the Hijaz (in modern-day Saudi Arabia), who perhaps not coincidentally is named Abdullah, the name of the current monarch of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the hands of his homosexual lover. This sign of the events preceding the coming of Imam Mahdi (atfs) is not accorded as much significance as other signs, such as the two most important signs, namely the rise of the evil Sufyani in Syria, and the two calls in the month of Ramadhan, one holy call rallying the people against the Sufyani, and the second call from Satan, deceiving the people into supporting the Sufyani; or the list of five signs given as indicating the immediate return of the Mahdi. While I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the ahadith concerning this sign of Arafah, and it is not given as much importance as the other signs, I would nonetheless be remiss not to include it in our countdown to the Faraj of al Hujjat al Qa’im bil Haqq, the Imam Mahdi (as), in the month of Muharram on the day of Ashura.

Here are some of the relevant ahadith:

وعن امام الصادق (ع) قال:
بينا الناس وقوفاً بعرفات إذ أتاهم راكب على ناقة ذعلبة ، ويخبرهم بموت خليفة، عند موته فرج آل محمد وفرج الناس جميعاً.

From Imam Sadiq (pbuhaf):
While the people are staying in Arafat (for Hajj), a rider on a light and fast camel comes to them, and gives them news of the death of the Khalifah (king). At his death is the faraj (relief) of the family of Mohammad and the faraj (relief) of all the people.

Biharul Anwar volume 52, page 240

عن الإمام الباقر(ع):
يكون سبب موته أنه ينكح خصياً له فيقوم فيذبحه ويكتم موته أربعين يوماً ، فإذا سارت الركبان في طلب الخصي لم يرجع أول من يخرج حتى يذهب ملكهم.
كمال الدين ص 655 

From Imam Baqir (pbuhaf):
The reason for his death is that he will have intercourse with one of his (male) servants, so he will rise and kill him, and his death will be concealed for 40 days. When the riders go to seek the servant, the first of those who left will not return untill their kingdom is over.
Kamalul Deen P.655

24 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abi Abdullah Barqi that
he said: Narrated to me my father from his grandfather Ahmad bin Abi Abdullah Barqi from
his father Muhammad bin Khalid from Ibrahim bin Uqbah from Zakariya from his father from
Amr bin Abil Miqdam from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he said:
“A fool from the Bani Abbas will be murdered secretly. The cause of his
death shall be that he would have married a eunuch who will slay him when he
gets an opportunity. This murder will remain unreported for forty days before it
would be discovered. So the police will go out in search of this eunuch but they
will not return before the downfall of their rule.”

سمعت أبا عبدالله (ع) ، يقول : من يضمن لي موت عبدالله أضمن له القائم ، ثم قال : إذا مات عبدالله لم يجتمع الناس بعده على أحد ، ولم يتناه هذا الأمر دون صاحبكم إن شاء الله ، ويذهب ملك السنين ، ويصير ملك الشهور والأيام، فقلت : يطول ذلك ؟ قال : كلا
بحار الأنوار- ج 52: 21

From Abi Baseer who heard from Imam Sadiq (pbuhaf):
Whoever guarantees for me the death of Abdullah, I will guarantee for him the Qa'im (Imam Mahdi).
When Abdullah dies, then people will not gather/agree on anyone after him, and this matter will not except for your companion (Imam Mahdi) inshallah, and the kingdom of years will be over, and it will become the kingdom of months and days.
So I asked: Will that be prolonged? He said: No.

Biharul Anwar, Volume 52, page 21

عن رسول الله (ص): 
يحكم الحجاز رجل اسمه اسم حيوان ، إذا رأيته حسبت في عينه الحول من البعيد ، وإذا اقتربت منه لاترى في عينه شيئاً ، يخلفه أخ له اسمه عبدالله. ويل لشيعتنا منه ، أعادها ثلاثاً ؛ بشروني بموته أبشركم بظهور الحجة ) 
مئتان وخمسون علامة: 122 

From Rasulollah (pbuhaf):
Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) will be ruled by a man whose name is the name of an animal, when you see him from a distance, you would think he has a lazy eye, and if you get close to him, you do not see anything (wrong) in his eyes. He will be succeeded by a brother of his, named Abdullah. Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! - he repeated it three times - Give me the good news of his death, and I shall give you the good news of the appearance of the hujjah (Imam Mahdi).
Reference: Two Hundred and Fifty Signs, sign number 122

عن الإمام الباقر (ع)
إذا ظهر السفياني على الأبقع وعلى المنصور والكندي والترك والروم ، خرج و صار الى العراق ، ثم يطلع القرن ذو الشفا ، فعند ذلك هلاك عبدالله 
المعجم الموضوعي لأحاديث الإمام المهدي ع الكوراني553

From Imam Baqir (pbuhaf):
When the Sufyani rises against Al-Abqa', and Al-Mansour, and Al-Kindy, and the Turks, and the Romans, he will leave and go to Iraq, then the horn of (or the century of) healing will come out, and at that point will be the death of Abdullah.

Al-Mo'jam Al-Mawthou'i Le Ahadith Imam Mahdi by Al-Kourani p. 553

[Please note that most of these quotes were taken from a posting by a now banned member of the Hashem Studios message board, sayyid_haamid , and that my citation from users of this site does not at all constitute an endorsement of the website. In fact, their claim that an individual to whom they refer to as Imam Ahmad al Hassan is the prophesied Yamani smacks of psy-ops (psychological operations) by Western intelligence services – I believe that the Yamani is in all likelihood Sayyid Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah. The following is the link to the original posting: ]

A few comments on these riwayat: The Saudi king prior to the current king Abdullah was in fact his brother “Fahd”, whose name in Arabic denotes an animal, the panther or leopard. Under Abdullah we have seen the Saudi military invade Yemen to kill mostly Houthi Zaidi (Fiver) and some Imami (Twelver) Shia, invade Bahrain at the invitation of its Sunni minority monarchy to burn majority Twelver Shias' mosques (with the copies of the Qur’an in them of course), schools, and hospitals, and kill Saudi minority Twelver Shia in the Eastern provinces and Madinah, simply for protesting to demand basic democratic rights. (That is indeed woe to the Shia three times: the Shia of Yemen, Bahrain, and Saudi.) As to the means whereby Abdullah is killed by the eunuch lover, it may be outright homicide, or it may be the result of a disease transmitted to him by the eunuch. As recently as last month, reports indicated Abdullah planned to undergo medical treatment of some kind in the United States, but with conflicting reports as to the nature of his illness. In any case, if we do in fact learn of Abdullah’s death, this will only confirm the other signs indicating that the return of the Mahdi (atfs) is at hand.

The last major sign prior to the death (or death announcement) of Abdullah on the Day of Arafah was that of the two calls, or saihah, in the month of Ramadhan. Insha’Allah I will go into more detail regarding these calls in an upcoming post in the lead-up to the Ashura return of the Mahdi (as), but suffice it to say that I believe the two calls did indeed come to pass this past month of Ramadhan 1433 (August 2012) on the 23rd night and day just as predicted. Although some narrations refer to only one call, and describe it in terms which many understood to mean some sort of earth-shattering sound which would be heard world-wide, I believe the first call, the holy call, was in fact a call to action. Given that the event of the call(s) in the month of Ramadhan is often paired in hadith with the emergence of the Sufyani in Syria, it should perhaps not be surprising that the calls in the month of Ramadhan were in fact political responses to the Sufyani’s reign of destruction in Syria. I maintain that the first cry or call to action was the moral and political statement issued by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the emergency Tehran Consultative Meeting on Syria, a statement issued on 9 August 2012 in the evening, which in the Islamic calendar would be the beginning of the day of Jumu’ah or Friday 23 month of Ramadhan (since the beginning of a “day” as reckoned by the Islamic calendar is not midnight or dawn, but rather dusk or sunset, similar to the Jewish calendar).This multi-lingual statement was a call for peace and dialogue in Syria endorsed by 27 nations who attended the conference, which rejected increasingly evident foreign intervention and the dramatic deterioration of conditions in Syria witnessed starting in the month of Rajab 1433 (May/June 2012) with the beginning of major offensive military campaigns by the Sufyani’s army, namely the Wahhabi/Salafi terrorist network, including international al Qaeda militants imported to Syria by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey , at the behest of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Israel. Here is my Facebook posting on this event immediately after it took place, and the link to a report on this “Call” by Iran’s PressTV:

The Saihah (Shout/Call) on a Friday in the Month of Ramadhan? - The Tehran Consultative Meeting on Syria, attended by officials and representatives from 27 countries, wrapped up in Tehran, on Thursday night.

The meeting discussed ways “to lay the groundwork for consultations among countries in a peaceful atmosphere and to reinforce all-out regional and international efforts aimed at helping the Syrian people find a way out of the ongoing crisis in the country, “a statement issued at the end of the meeting read.

Let us compare this news event to a few of the ahadith regarding the prophesied “Saihah”, and it will become clear that this was in fact the “Saihah” or “Call” which the Ahlul Bayt (as) predicted:

6 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin Saeed from Hammad bin
Isa from Ibrahim bin Umar from Abi Ayyub from Harith bin Mughaira from Abi Abdullah
(a.s.) that he said:
“The call from the sky shall be raised on the 23rd night of the month of Ramadhan.”

7 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin Saeed from Muhammad
bin Abi Umair from Umar bin Hanzala that he said: I heard Abi Abdullah (a.s.) say:
“Five signs will become manifest before the reappearance of the Qaim:
Advent of Yamani and Sufyani, call from the sky, the killing of the Pure Soul
(Nafse Zakiyyah) and the sinking of Baida land.”

8 - Narrated to us my father: Narrated to us Saad bin Abdullah: Narrated to us
Muhammad bin Husain bin Abil Khattab from Ja’far bin Basheer from Hisham bin Saalim
from Zurarah from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:
“A caller will call out in the name of the Qaim.” I asked: “Will it be for
some people or for all?” He replied: “It would be for all. And every community
will hear it in its own language.” I asked: “Would the opponents of Qaim be also
called in his name?” “No,” he said, “For them Iblees will call out at the end of the
night and put suspicion in the hearts of the people.”

Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 288

The Iranian call for a peaceful resolution of the Syrian crisis through dialogue between the Syrian government and the Syrian political opposition (not the foreign armed mercenaries who had hijacked the Syrian protest movement) - this was a call in the name of the Qaim (Qaim means the One who Rises, and is one of the epithets with which the Holy Imams (as) told us to refer to the Mahdi (as)). Notably, the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, often invoked the 12th Imam (as), that is Imam Mahdi, the Awaited Saviour of Humanity, in his speeches at the United Nations General Assembly, and his eighth and final speech at the UN meeting in New York in September 2012 was no exception. Getting back to the “Call” in the month of Ramadhan, this statement was immediately translated into and issued in several languages by the 27 nations endorsing it, and given the internet and the global telecommunications network of the 21st century, it is no longer unusual for all the peoples of the world, not just some of them, to be targeted in this message, and for every community or nation in the world to be able to “hear it in its own language.”  The last hadith above concerning the Saihah refers to the second call in Shahru Ramadhan as well, and it says “Iblees” (Satan) would “put suspicion in the hearts of the people.”

What was this second “Call”? I maintain it was also a call concerning Syria, a counter-response to Iran’s indictment of the Sufyani, and was namely Hillary Clinton’s State Department’s issuance the very next afternoon of an immediate reply of sorts to Iran’s conference, in which they announced sanctions on Hezbollah, claiming that Hezbollah was helping the Assad government to ruthlessly kill its own citizens. (

Given the attempts by the US to isolate Iran from the community of nations over its nuclear program, and the painfully obvious fact that they had failed to successfully do so, which was proven by Iran’s ability to rally approximately 30 countries to unite against US aggression in Syria, America pathetically attempted to sideline the issue by taking a swipe at Hezbollah. America announced sanctions on the Resistance to Zionist occupation of the Middle East, trying to sow seeds of doubt in the Arab and Muslim world, and amongst anti-imperialists worldwide, by falsely accusing Hezbollah of human rights abuses and militarily aiding Syria in crushing peaceful protest. Another hadith gives us a more nuanced understanding of the second call:

He [Imam Muhammad al Baqir (as)] also said: “The sound will be in the month of Ramathan, in Laylatul Jum’a (the night before Friday), in the night (before) the 23rd, so do not doubt in that, and listen and obey. And in the end of the day the sound of the cursed Iblis shouting: “Lo, so and so was murdered while oppressed” – so to make doubt amongst the people. How many doubters there will be on that day, whom are lost and have fallen for Hell.”
“If you hear the sound in the month of Ramathan, then do not doubt in it, it is Gabriels voice, and the sign of that is he will call with the name of the Qaim and his fathers name...”
“These two sounds are definite before the rise of the Qaim.” 
(Al-Ghayba by No’mani P. 254, also quoted by Shafi’i Alsalami in Aqd Aldorar P. 105)

The devil says ,“Lo, so and so was murdered while oppressed – so to make doubt amongst the people” – This has been the line that America, the mouthpiece of the accursed Satan Iblis, and America’s colonialist allies have been using against Hezbollah and Syria. In reality, America and the Israelis are the oppressors, as shown in the 2006 Lebanon war, in which Israeli aggression against the Lebanese people martyred approximately 1400 men, women, and children, mostly civilians. Even with the ongoing support of the support of the world’s sole remaining “superpower”, who during the course of the war was sending in weapons to kill babies, Israel was defeated in this 33 day war by Hezbollah, who beat the Zionists despite their billions of dollars of high-tech American weapons. The year of Hezbollah’s victory, 2006, saw the highest level of Muslim unity in history. The Arab street, or the Muslim street, when asked who their favorite political leader was, consistently named Sayyid Nasrullah, the leader of Hezbollah, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, as their top two or three heroes – this in spite of the fact that the majority of Arabs and Muslim are Sunnis, and these two men are Shias – or perhaps, it could be argued, because they were Shia. The Muslim Ummah was awed by the courageous resistance to America and Israel by these solitary figures, at a time when, before the Arab Spring/Islamic Awakening, practically every Arab government was a puppet of the US, and in fact at a time when this unipolar post-Soviet era saw practically almost every government on earth bow down to the will of America. Yet these Muslims were not only speaking out against the Empire, but were actually able to attain victory against it, as David slew Goliath. Most Sunni Muslims (except for the Wahhabi clerics in Saudi Arabia, who revealed their allegiances by issuing fatwas making it “haram” to assist Shia Hezbollah against Israel!), most of them didn’t care that these two men were Shia… they were perhaps even intrigued that these men could fight back with words and weapons the way no Arab puppet dictator dared (could it be, some no doubt wondered, that their being Shia was in fact the key to their steadfast pursuit of justice? A Sunni brother at a Yaumul Quds (Jerusalem Day) rally in Washington, DC, around that time speculated to me as much – almost all the major elements resisting Israeli and American occupation in the Middle East were Shia, he said to me in admiration).  Iran was on the rise, unintentionally strengthened by America’s elimination of its enemies Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan, and by the subsequent Shia majority government which emerged in Iraq, which became Iran’s natural ally. Things were looking good for the Shia, for Muslim unity, for Muslims in general…

And then the Syria crisis happened (well, admittedly a lot more happened between 2006 and 2011). The Syria crisis became the perfect opportunity for the West and Israel to knock down a pillar of the Axis of Resistance to Zionism (and Western imperialism generally) in the Middle East. I would even go so far as to say that the Syria crisis was not only the perfect opportunity for the enemies of Islam to drive a wedge between Shia and Sunni Muslims, and divide and conquer the Resistance, but that in fact the Syria crisis was engineered by Western intelligence agencies and Mossad  to do precisely that. If the prophecies from the Ahlul Bayt (as) give any indication, it won’t be long before the Sufyani’s Salafi/Wahhabi army takes over Syria and large swathes of its neighbors, and makes its way toward Iraq and even Medinah, Saudi Arabia. The Syrian crisis has “spilled over” into Lebanon, but not organically – concerted efforts have been made to promote sectarian hatred, as most recently evidenced by the likely false flag bombing of Lebanon’s security chief, Wissam al Hassan. The MSM, or mainstream  (Jewish-dominated) media (MSJM?), maintain that Hassan was killed by either Hezbollah or Syria because as a Sunni he criticized Assad’s Alawi-dominated government’s treatment of Syria’s Sunni majority, and earlier on led an investigation implicating Hezbollah and Syria in the bombing of Rafik Hariri in 2005 (another probable false flag). But what mainstream reporting neglects is that Hassan more recently uncovered Israeli spy rings in Lebanon, and that only Israel stands to benefit from the Hezbollah (Shia) and March 14 (Christian-Sunni) coalition government in Lebanon under Hezbollah’s leadership falling apart.

It is notable that since the two calls in Shahru Ramadhan, other prophecies of the Ahlul Bayt (as) concerning Sham, or Syria, have also come to pass. The Purified Imams (as), had warned us that in the months leading up to the Mahdi’s re-emergence from his Greater Occultation (Ghaibat-ul Kubra), the land known as Sham, now in modern-day Syria, would be attacked by the Turks. Some had interpreted this description of the ethnicity of these foreign attackers broadly, and understood the word Turks in this context to be referring to Russia, who have some Turkic descent. This interpretation was noted in the influential work concerning the return of the Mahdi by Ayatollah Ali al-Kurani, ‘Asr-e Zuhur (Asr e Zahoor), and given that the book was written in 1984, perhaps reflected a Cold War attitude toward understanding prophecy at a time when Russia was still part of the Soviet Union and still officially atheist and Communist. This lens in viewing prophecy through contemporary political events is mirrored in the works of Hal Lindsey, who in his “The Late, Great Planet Earth” identified the King of the North who attacks Israel with cavalry in the Book of Daniel as Russia, which at the time of the first edition of the book in 1970 was the center of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, or CCCP). Lindsey in later post-Soviet editions of his book prided himself on having from the start named the attacker in this incident specifically as Russia and not the no-longer existent Soviet Union, as if his interpretation of prophecy had weathered the test of time and the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Bloc, though others have argued that Lindsey really did not foresee the imminent collapse of the Marxist, or more specifically Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist, state, unlike say Ayatollah Khomeini, who had sent a letter personally inviting  Gorbachev (a Jew and avowed atheist) to Islam prior to the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

As a side note, Hal Lindsey has more recently set his “Christian Zionist” sights on Islam in his 2011 book, “The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad”, which incidentally quotes Khomeini on its first page. It is sad to see self-purported experts in Biblical prophecy defend American and Israeli imperialism, when the Bible itself foresees and condemns Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj in the Qur’an), who are none other than England and the United States of America (a fact esoterically acknowledged by Zionist Henry Churchill in his Iron Curtain speech at Westminster College, a stone’s throw away from the site the Gog and Magog statues at Guildhall, London – and again not coincidentally, the Qur’an tells us that Dhul Qarnain temporarily blocked the expansion of Gog and Magog by building an Iron Wall or Curtain, which at the end of time would be taken down, resulting in Gog and Magog dominating the entire globe). The Torah and Gospels prophesy the Prophet Muhammad (sawaws) and his first Imam, Ali bin abi Talib (one of several examples: John the Baptist is asked whether he is one of three theretofore unrevealed prophesied figures: the Messiah, Jesus (Isa al Masih); “that prophet”, the prophet like unto Moses, namely Muhammad (sawaws); and “Elias”, or Ali (as). Salient to our discussion of Syria is also the fact that both the Torah (Isaiah 17:1-3, Jeremiah 49:23-27) and the Purified Imams of the Ahlul Bayt (as) prophesy the destruction of Damascus, which according to some accounts is the oldest still-inhabited city in the world. (I also wonder if  Jeremiah 49:34-39, which refers to Elam, modern-day Persia, can be interpreted as the downfall of the American CIA puppet Shah, the subsequent Iranian diaspora, the invasion of Iran by Iraq under Saddam Hussein, and the divinely ordained victory of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the only government on earth today whose constitution acknowledges the authority of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi, the just leader of humanity. The final verse’s reference to Elam’s captivity could be to the effects of the Western sanctions which seek to enslave Iranians through economic blockade, elite banker currency manipulation, and the like.)

Getting back to the Turkish attack on Syria, it has been no secret that for several months Turkey was backing, funding, and arming terrorists, al Qaeda and otherwise, who have been sent into Syria to fight its government. This is not surprising, given the domination of post Ottoman empire, post Caliphate Turkey by the Donmeh, or Sabbatean Jews. These are Crypto-Jews who took Sabbatai Zevi, a European Jew, to be the Messiah, and played an integral role in the development of modern-day Kabbalism, but ostensibly converted to Islam when Sabbatai was imprisoned by the Caliph on his way to Jerusalem, and subsequently proclaimed Islam. In reality Sabbatai and his followers are and were hypocrites, a literal cabal who while outwardly proclaiming Islam, in reality practiced Kabbalah, and in their hearts maintained their hatred of Islam and their desire for Jewish world domination. Hence the anti-Islamic Young Turk movement resulting in Ataturk’s secularization of the country, and contemporary Turkey’s maintenance of diplomatic relations with Israel. This policy of destruction of Islam from within (begun by the British divide-and-conquer policy of overthrowing the Ottoman empire through their Wahhabi puppets in Arabia by proclaiming their support for Arab nationalism through intelligence agent Lawrence of Arabia and the like) continues with Turkey doing Israel’s dirty work, attacking Syria because of its role in the Axis of Resistance to Zionism in the Middle East.

Other developments in the past couple of months in the Middle East are worth noting. Syrian Hajj pilgrims have been denied entry by Saudi Arabia this year, echoing prophecies from the Ahlul Bayt (as) concerning the people being prevented from the hajj prior to the Mahdi’s (atfs) emergence. The Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Muhammad Mursi, has taken the presidency, and rather than ending Egypt’s treaty with Israel, he took the opportunity of his attendance at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Tehran of approximately 120 nations to attack Syria, the only Arab government willing to stand up against Israel. The emir of Qatar, a major sponsor of Salafi terrorists in Syria, visited the Gaza strip for the first time, cementing HAMAS (another Muslim Brotherhood offshoot) re-alignment away from Syria. We still await the results of the US Presidential election, with Obama, the favorite of American Jews, likely to be re-elected (Mitt Romney is also beholden to the Zionists, e.g. financial backer Sheldon Adelson), but in any case the debates showed us that both candidates and their parties hold essentially the same (Israeli) position on Syria and Iran. It won’t matter, in any case, because the true, divinely-appointed, just leader of all of humanity, Imam Mahdi (as) will re-emerge within a month, God willing, to resist oppression and establish justice, fighting with “swords” covered with a thousand words, each word of which leads to a thousand more words (HTML (s)words, if you will). May we be counted amongst his 313 Companions, or his 10,000 Followers.

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