Thursday, June 13, 2013

Did the Sufyani emerge in Syria this Rajab 1434? – The cannibal Abu Sakkar, Hezbollah, and the 2013 Iranian presidential elections

As the Islamic month of Rajab comes to a close, we wonder if this was the Rajab seeing the emergence of the evil Sufyani in Syria predicted in the prophecy of the Ahlul Bayt (as), the Purified Household of the Prophet Muhammad (sawaws). A “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) commander known by the nom de guerre Abu Sakkar, who is said to have founded the Farouq Brigade, was filmed eating the corpse of one of his victims. While the incident seems to have occurred a little prior to the beginning of Rajab, his first public interview admitting to the cannibalistic act was released this Rajab (May 2013). He clarifies that he was attempting to eat his victim’s liver (though experts who have reviewed the footage on YouTube say he actually ate his victim’s lung). This act of eating an opponent’s flesh has no basis in Islam, which outright forbids it, but immediately harkens back to the act of the infamous Liver Eater, Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who put a hit on Hamza, the beloved uncle of Nabi Muhammad (sawaws), and subsequently upon hearing of his assassination, proceeded to desecrate his body and eat his liver (the scene is rendered vividly in the one major film chronicling the life of the last Prophet of God, The Message, starring Anthony Quinn as Hamza). It is precisely this family of Abu Sufyan and Hind from whom the Sufyani is descended, either literally or spiritually.

In some narrations from the Purified Imams (as), the emergence of the Sufyani is associated with that of two other figures, the Yamani (Yemeni) and a Khorasani (Khurasani) (I use the indefinite article because there seem to be at least two if not more personalities from the region of Khorasan (Khurasan), Iran, to whom the riwayat refer – an issue explored by the writings of the now defunct Taliyah group). The following are a couple of representative narrations regarding the Sufyani, Yamani, and Khorasani, taken from the Shiachat website:

"There will be three appearances in one year, one month and one day. The Sufyani, the Khurasani and the Yamani. The standard of guidance will not be among them, except the standard of the Yamani, because he will summon (people) to the truth." Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq 

The risings of as-Sufyani, al-Yamani and al-Khurasani will be in the same year, in the same month and on the same day. They will be like the beads of a rosary; one following the other. Sufferings will be on every side. Miserable will be whoever resists them. From among the three banners, only the banner of al-Yamani will be a banner of guidance because he will invite to the mission of your man (al-Qaim). When al- Yamani rises, he will forbid selling weapons for all of the people and for the Muslims as well. When al-Yamani rises, you are to join him because his banner will be a banner of guidance. It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn away from him and whoever does so, will be in Hell, because al-Yamani will invite to the truth and the straight path" [ar-Raja by al-Astrabady p.157 and Mojam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, Vol 3, pg 253] 

Who are these other two individuals, the Yamani and Khorasani? As for the Yamani, it should be noted that there is a cult which claims its leader, to whom they refer as Imam Ahmad al Hassan (احمد الحسن), is the awaited Yamani (alternatively they also claim that he is one of 12 Mahdis, or that he is a son or descendant of the 12th Imam, the real Mahdi (atfs)). This individual is in all likelihood backed by Western intelligence, as the main activity of his organization seems to be stirring fitnah and clashing with the Mahdi Army (Jaysh al Mahdi (JAM)), and has been known to use the star of David as one of its symbols in Iraq and elsewhere. It should also be noted that the supporters of Ahmad al Hassan are using events in Syria for their own agenda in promoting their cult (see, for example, a link below to one representative posting on the board of Hashem Studios, a forum run by a one-time collaborator on the popular online End Times video series, The Arrivals). I am not in any way entertaining the possibility that Ahmad al Hassan could be the Yamani, but rather another figure, a heroic figure who has rallied the Muslim Ummah against the Zionist entity, and who has emerged decisively this Rajab as a defender of Syria from Salafi/Wahhabi/Takfiri Western-back terrorists: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the anti-Zionist Islamic movement Hezbollah, is a strong candidate for the Yamani. His wise move this Rajab to act decisively and defend Syria and the greater Middle East against the burgeoning Al Qaeda terrorist movement in Syria, which is threatening to envelope the entire region, including Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula, in a sectarian war, makes it all the more likely that he is in fact the prophesied rightly guided Yamani. The theory that Sayyed Nasrallah is the Yamani has been proposed by media in Lebanon and Iran, and his recent victory in Qusair alongside the Syrian Arab Army over the Western-backed rebels further confirms the possibility.

So who is the Khorasani? As I mentioned earlier, the ahadith speak about at least two, if not more, apparently distinct individuals referred to as Khorasani. While one of them referred to in other accounts is a supporter of the Mahdi (atfs), the one referred to in the context of the emergence of the Sufyani and Yamani seems to be less than guided, as amongst the three figures mentioned, only the banner of the Yamani is “a banner of guidance.” The first round of the Iranian Presidential elections will take place on 14 June 2013. Amongst the candidates is one from the province of Khorasan, current Tehran Mayor Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf. Some polls in the past few days indicate he has surged to a front runner position. Insha’Allah, I plan on voting for Iran-Iraq war veteran Dr Saeed Jalili, because of the principled stands he has taken on, amongst other issues, Syria. Dr Jalili’s campaign rallies have featured the flags of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Palestine, Hezbollah, and the two starred Syrian flag flying side by side. Whether or not Qalibaf will emerge to be the next Iranian President, and possibly the unguided or misguided Khorasani, should become clearer within the next couple of weeks. The Iranian Presidential election will probably move in to a second round on 21 June 2013, since none of the six canidates will likely receive the outright majority in the first round necessary to take the Presidency.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Intellectual frauds: Mona Yacoubian, Foreign Affairs, and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

A few hours ago I commented on an article on the Foreign Affairs website by Mona Yacoubian, entitled "Hezbollah's Gamble in Syria: The Dangerous Calculation Behind the Group's Decision to Back Assad", dated June 2, 2013. The author, a supposed expert on the Middle East, translated the word "takfiri" as "apostate", and claimed that Sayyid Nasrallah of Hezbollah, by calling Sunni rebels in Syria "takfiris", was igniting a sectarian war, in effect calling all Sunnis "kuffar", or infidels. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sayyid Nasrallah was not referring to all Sunnis, but referring specifically to the "takfiri" sect, which is a group who deem anybody, Shia or Sunni, to be a disbeliever if they disagree with their stringent standards.

The Council on Foreign Relations had the audacity to erase my original comment and incorporate my corrections into a newer version of the piece. The following is my second comment -we'll see if that gets censored as well - plus the original comment on the link

Pure intellectual dishonesty - I posted a comment on this article a few hours ago pointing out a blatant error by the author, who claimed that by calling Sunni rebels in Syria "takfiris", Sayyed Nasrallah was calling them apostates (whereas the word for apostate in Arabic is "murtad"). Instead of printing a retraction or acknowledging an error in earlier versions of this piece, CFR chose to erase my comment, and subsequently incorporate my corrections into a newer version of the article. This is tantamount to plagiarism - stealing my intellectual contribution without acknowledgment. Below is my original comment (by the way, last I checked I received 3 likes for the original comment, though admittedly one was mine):

Pathetic - CFR has half a billion dollars in assets and you can't afford an "expert" who understands the word "takfiri"? Takfiri refers to Salafi/Wahhabi extremists, often of the Al Qaeda stripe, who are quick to pronounce "takfir" on other Muslims. Takfir means to declare someone a "kafir", or infidel. The extremist terrorists Obama has backed in Libya and now Syria have a rigid, dogmatic, and sectarian approach to Islam which brands anyone who disagrees with them, Shia or Sunni, to be unbelievers - and thus worthy of being robbed, raped, and killed. Sayyed Nasrallah of Hezbollah is loved by Shia, Sunnis, and Christians alike - one of his Sunni allies, Sheikh Maher Hammoud, was recently targeted for assassination - as was the Sunni Assad-backer Sheikh al-Bouthi -  because the Syrian "rebels" won't hesitate to kill Sunnis who oppose them (and their backers in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv). Sectarianism is what the West is promoting in Syria by backing the "FSA", and a bloodbath is in store for Shia and Christians of the region once Al Nusra Front (the embryonic Sufyani) and the like get the upperhand, thanks to Foreign Affairs' cheerleading...