Tuesday, November 27, 2012

King Abdullah dead on (Yasser) Arafat's day: Mahdi (atfs) return on Mayan End Date?

King of Hejaz, Abdullah, revealed to be dead on the day the people are standing on (the grave of Yasser) Arafat... Fulfillment of the prophesies of Ahlul Bayt (as), and sign of Imam Mahdi (atfs)'s return on 21 December 2012, end-date of the Mayan Calendar? Insha'Allah...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ashura 1434: Imam Mahdi's (atfs) return?


As we approach Ashura 1434 and I prepare to depart for al Hijaz insha’Allah, I can only pray that our interpretation of the Qur’an, the previous holy books, and the prophecies of the Ahlul Bayt (as), the Purified Household of the Prophet Muhammad (sawaws), has been correct, and that this Ashura will see the re-emergence of the 12th Imam, al Hujjat al Qa’im bil Haqq (atfs), the Mahdi. Recent events, especially in Syria, seem to concur with many of the riwayat regarding the months and days leading up to the Mahdi’s reappearance, such as those regarding the Sufyani, though other prophecies seem thus far left unfulfilled. For example, the death of the Saudi monarch, Abdullah, has yet to be announced. At least one hadith regarding this event notes that the people will be standing on Arafah when Abdullah’s death is publicized. Most scholars take this to mean the Day of Arafah during the Hajj season, though many of the riwayat regarding the death of the last king of the Hijaz before the Mahdi’s zuhur leave out the timing altogether. Is it possible that the upcoming exhumation of Yasser Arafat could be the day to which the minority of riwayat refer, a day when representatives of several nations will “stand on Arafat”, so to speak? Some have even suggested that the most recent Israeli massacre in Gaza was an attempt to draw attention away from the autopsy of Arafat, since much evidence indicates that he was poisoned by the Israeli Mossad with polonium. The end date of the Mayan calendar is also drawing near on the winter solstice, 21 December 2012 – perhaps the faraj of the Mahdi (as) during this time-frame is the event to which the prophecies draw attention? We can only pay close attention to the events of the region, keep faith and pray that by God’s grace our Imam will return soon to guide us in our time of need, and strive to act righteously and speak out for justice on the side of the pious poor, the exploited, and the oppressed. May we be amongst the Mahdi’s companions upon his return.

Wallahu ‘alam bissawab