A Syrian opposition group announced Monday
that they are creating a new military structure consisting of 12,000 fighters
to topple the regime of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
“We announce today the unification of all fronts in a single centre to bring about the collapse of the oppressing regime,” Khaled al-Okla from the Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF) read from a statement at a press conference.
The SRF is active across Syria and has 12,000 men under command, uniting more than 100 “battalions,” according to a video presentation broadcast during the conference.
Asked about the relationship between the SRF and the Free Syrian Army, the main opposition force made up of deserting Syrian army officers, Okla said the two forces had frequent “discussions” and were working in “cooperation.”
The SRF also claims support from some members of the Syrian National Council (SNC), recognised by world leaders as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
“We, the SNC, bless the founding of the Syrian Revolutionaries Front and affirm that we will provide full support,” said a member of the SNC executive committee, Ahmad Ramadan.
“We say the fight for the freedom of Syria has begun,” he added.
Haitham al-Maleh, a prominent human rights activist, also said he supported the new structure, in a video message sent to the SRF.
The new military structure has a more integrated structure to combat Damascus than the Free Syrian Army, which offers a wide platform without strong organic links, said Mahmut Osman, another member of the SNC.
“The SNC supports this unification of groups acting on the ground,” he added.
“We announce today the unification of all fronts in a single centre to bring about the collapse of the oppressing regime,” Khaled al-Okla from the Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF) read from a statement at a press conference.
The SRF is active across Syria and has 12,000 men under command, uniting more than 100 “battalions,” according to a video presentation broadcast during the conference.
Asked about the relationship between the SRF and the Free Syrian Army, the main opposition force made up of deserting Syrian army officers, Okla said the two forces had frequent “discussions” and were working in “cooperation.”
The SRF also claims support from some members of the Syrian National Council (SNC), recognised by world leaders as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
“We, the SNC, bless the founding of the Syrian Revolutionaries Front and affirm that we will provide full support,” said a member of the SNC executive committee, Ahmad Ramadan.
“We say the fight for the freedom of Syria has begun,” he added.
Haitham al-Maleh, a prominent human rights activist, also said he supported the new structure, in a video message sent to the SRF.
The new military structure has a more integrated structure to combat Damascus than the Free Syrian Army, which offers a wide platform without strong organic links, said Mahmut Osman, another member of the SNC.
“The SNC supports this unification of groups acting on the ground,” he added.
that the British Foreign Minister, William Hague, has admitted that al Qaeda is
on the ground and actively involved in the Syrian opposition, while at the same
time reports have come out indicating British troops and intelligence agents
are also in Syria and training opposition fighters, it should be clear that the
terrorist element of the Syrian opposition has come to the forefront. As in
Iraq, where the British were discovered to be behind al Qaeda-style bombings of
Shi’a targets, they have also entered the fray in Syria, though it is unclear
how long the love affair between the West and the Sufyani will last. Up until
now some elements of the Syrian opposition have been loath to be associated
with al Qaeda for fear of a drying up of Western and Israeli funding and
weapons, as indicated by this LA Times article from 31 May 2012:
The rebels are hypersensitive to any
mention of Al Qaeda in Syria or the suggestion that they could be receiving
support from the terrorist network.
"We're going to start fighting with a bottle of whiskey in
our hand, just so the world sees we're not Al Qaeda," joked Mohammad Khair
Raid, a lanky 22-year-old who defected from the army months ago.
this new grouping, the SRF, has all the trapping of an al Qaeda affiliate,
operating under the auspices of Turkey, who is eager to flex its muscles as a
regional player (perhaps hankering for the good old days of the Caliphate which
was abolished in 1924 with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire). Responsibility
for the kidnapping of Lebanese Shi’a pilgrims passing through Syria on their return
from Iran was also claimed by a newly announced formation, the “Syrian Rebels
in Aleppo”. Although their release was supposed to have been negotiated through
Turkey by the Lebanese government a few days after their capture, it has been
almost a month and they have yet to be released, with reports their captors are
claiming they have amongst their prisoners a relative of Hezbollah leader
Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah, and other Hezbollah members. Whether there is any
basis for this claim or not, this is another indication that Hezbollah will be
pulled into a sectarian civil war in Syria.
Rajab has seen a major turning point in the Syrian conflict, namely the Houla
Massacre. While Western media were quick to claim the intentional killing of
children and other civilians was the responsibility of the Shabiha, pro-Assad
Alawite militias, dissident reports from the likes of the Frankfurt Allgemeine
Zeitung, not exactly a rag for conspiracy theorists, have claimed that in fact
the victims were Alawite Shias as well the family of a Sunni who was considered
a collaborator by the Syrian rebels for participating in the Syrian parliament,
and that the attacks were a false flag operation carried out by Syrian rebels
who wanted to draw international powers into the conflict. We cannot say with
certainty which account is correct, but BBC use of fake photos in their coverage
of the massacre doesn’t add to our confidence in the mainstream media account.
The Houla massacre became a casus belli for international militarization of the
Syrian conflict, and whereas prior to it some had claimed the conflict would
just drag on with Assad remaining in power, the discourse surrounding Syria has
changed, and most analysts have recognized that changes are now happening at a
rapid pace, perhaps as a result of Western “assistance”, aka weaponization of
the conflict. Again, if we ask the question cui
bono, who benefits, the massacre seems more likely to be a result of the
calculated planning of the Sufyani, rather than the Syrian government, who as
in the case of the Rafiq Hariri bombing, have suffered from the fallout of
indignation unreflectively pointed at it.
As I
write this, Press TV and RT (previously known as Russia Today) report that in
Homs, rebels have threatened to kill civilians if the army does not withdraw
from the city. The civilian population has effectively been taken hostage, used
as human shields, in some cases even having been reported to be forced by
rebels to demonstrate against Assad. Notably Homs, which is mentioned in riwayat
concerning Sufyani, is in a region of northwestern Syria whose majority is from
the tribe Bani Kalb. It is the Banu Kalb from which the Sufyani initially draws
most of his army.
latest news from the New York Times of 21 June 2012 confirms that the CIA are
also on the ground in Turkey, assisting the Syrian opposition with logistics
and heavy weaponry “being funneled mostly
across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries
including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar”. A noteworthy passage from the article
indicates that a significant faction (or factions) of the opposition in Homs,
the home of the Bani Kalb, are not as cooperative with the West as they would
About 10
military coordinating councils in provinces across the country are now sharing
tactics and other information. The city of Homs is the notable exception. It
lacks such a council because the three main military groups in the city do not
get along, national council officials said.
note that riwayat regarding extraordinary phenomena such as heavy rains and the
raising of the dead in the month of Rajab have not been included, because the
context of these riwayat indicate that they take place in a month of Rajab
after Imam Mahdi (atfs) has already risen out of Ghaibat al-Kubra (major
occultation). (See the last tradition I’ve included from Bihar al Anwar.)
Bihar Al
Anwar Volumes 51 52 & 53 The
Promised Mahdi - English Translation Part
2 – p 143
130- Ghaibat
Nomani: It is narrated from Ibne Uqdah from
Muhammad bin
bin Ibrahim from Ibne Faddal from Thalaba from Isa bin Ayyan that Imam
Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“The rising of Sufyani
is an inevitable matter. He will rise in the month
of Rajab. It will
take, since his rising until his end, fifteen months. He will
fight for six
months. When he conquers the five districts, he will rule for nine
months; no more no less.”
131- Ghaibat
Nomani: It is narrated from Ibne Uqdah from Qasim
Husain from Ubais bin Hisham from Muhammad bin Bashir from Ahwal
Ibne Jabla from Isa bin Ayyan from Mualla bin Khunais that he said: I heard
Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) say:
“Some things are
inevitable and others are not. From among the
inevitable things is the rising of Sufyani
in Rajab.”
Bihar Al
Anwar Volumes 51 52 & 53 The
Promised Mahdi - English Translation Part
2 – p 144
135- Ghaibat
Nomani: It is narrated from Muhammad bin Hamam from
Ibad bin Yaqub from Khallad Saigh that Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said:
“The rising of
Sufyani is inevitable. He will rise in Rajab.” A man asked:
“O Abu Abdullah,
when he rises, what shall we do?” He said: “When he rises,
you are to keep to us (Ahlul Bayt).”
Bihar Al
Anwar Volumes 51 52 & 53 The
Promised Mahdi - English Translation Part
2 – p 194-195
67- Al-Kafi:
It is narrated from Ali from his father
from Safwan bin Yahya from
bin Qasim from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) that he said:
“Fear the Almighty Allah
who has no partner and beware of your selfish
desires. By Allah,
if one of you had two souls, it would have fought against
another and
experienced what happens after being killed and would have
retained the other
soul and acted according to that experience, but you have
only one soul, if
you lose it, you will also lose the opportunity of repentance;
therefore you are
most eligible to see what you choose for yourself and if one
of us stages an uprising,
you should consider what is the aim of your uprising
and do not say:
Zaid had staged an uprising, because he was a scholar and he
had a clear
conscience. He had not called for his own self; he had only called
you to the
obedience of Aale Muhammad (a.s.).
Now the one who is
rising from among us[1];
tell me to what is he calling?
Is he calling to
the obedience of Aale Muhammad (a.s.)? Then know that, we
testify that we are
not pleased at this. He is not obeying us. There is no one
with him and no
matter with how many flags someone from us may arise, he
is not eligible
that he should be obeyed, except one on whom all the
descendants of
Fatima have consensus. By Allah, your Sahibul Amr will be
the one on whom all
the descendants of Fatima have consensus. Thus when it
is the month of
Rajab, you should march out in the name of Allah and if you
want to delay it,
there is no harm in delaying it till Shaban and if you want to
keep fasts at home,
perhaps in my view, it is better for you and the coming of
Sufyani is a sufficient sign of
reappearance for you.”
Bihar Al
Anwar Volumes 51 52 & 53 The
Promised Mahdi - English Translation Part
2 – p 231
77- Irshad:
It is narrated from Abdul Kareem Khathami
that he said: I asked
Eminence, Abu Abdullah Sadiq (a.s.):
“How long would
Qaim (a.s.) rule?” He said: He replied: “Seven years,
the days and the
nights would be prolonged so much that a year would be as
long as ten years
of yours. Thus his rule would be equal to seventy years
according to your standards.
And when the time comes for his end in the
month of Jumadi II
ten days before Rajab, there would be such heavy rainfall
as the people had
not seen before. Then the Almighty Allah by that would
expose the flesh
and bodies of the believers in their graves. And as if I could
see them coming
from Jehna, shaking off dust from their hair…”
Kamaaluddin wa
Tamaamun Ni’ma by Shaykh Saduq
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 286
Chapter Fifty-seven
Signs of the reappearance of al-Qaim (a.s.)
1 - Narrated to us my father: Narrated to us Abdullah bin
Ja’far Himyari from Ibrahim
bin Mahziyar from his brother Ali from Husain bin Saeed from
Safwan bin Yahya from
Muhammad bin Hakam from Maimoon Alban from Abi Abdullah
as-Sadiq (a.s.):
“Five signs will become manifest before the reappearance of
the Qaim:
Advent of Yamani and Sufyani, call from the sky, the sinking
of Baida land and
the killing of the Pure Soul (Nafse Zakiyyah).”
2 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid
(r.a.): Narrated to us
Muhammad bin Hasan Saffar from Abbas bin Maroof from Ali bin
Mahziyar from Abdullah
bin Muhammad Hajjal from Thalaba bin Maimoon from Shuaib
Hadhdha from Salih, freed
slave of Bani Azra that he said: I heard Abi Abdullah
as-Sadiq (a.s.) say:
“There will be only a gap of fifteen days between the rising
of the Qaim of
Aale Muhammad and the killing of the Pure Soul (Nafse
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 287
4 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan bin Ahmad bin Walid
(r.a.) that he said:
Narrated to us Husain bin Hasan Ibne Aban from Husain bin
Saeed from Nadhr bin Suwaid
from Yahya Halabi from Harith bin Mughaira Basri from Maimoon
Alban that he said:
“I was with Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) in his tent. He lifted
the opening
of the tent and said: ‘Our Wilayat is clearer than this sun.’
Then he said: ‘A caller
will call out from the sky that so and so son of so and so is
Imam. And he would
call out his name. While Iblees, may Allah curse him, would
call out from the
earth, in the same way as he had called the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.s.) on the night of
5 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Safwan bin
Yahya from Isa bin Ayyan from Mualla bin Khunais from Abi
Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:
“Indeed the advent of Sufyani is a certain matter and it
shall take place in the
month of Rajab.”
6 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Hammad bin
Isa from Ibrahim bin Umar from Abi Ayyub from Harith bin
Mughaira from Abi Abdullah
(a.s.) that he said:
“The call from the sky shall be raised on the 23rd night of
the month of Ramadhan.”
7 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Muhammad
bin Abi Umair from Umar bin Hanzala that he said: I heard Abi
Abdullah (a.s.) say:
“Five signs will become manifest before the reappearance of
the Qaim:
Advent of Yamani and Sufyani, call from the sky, the killing
of the Pure Soul
(Nafse Zakiyyah) and the sinking of Baida land.”
8 - Narrated to us my father: Narrated to us Saad bin
Abdullah: Narrated to us
Muhammad bin Husain bin Abil Khattab from Ja’far bin Basheer
from Hisham bin Saalim
from Zurarah from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:
“A caller will call out in the name of the Qaim.” I asked:
“Will it be for
some people or for all?” He replied: “It would be for all. And
every community
will hear it in its own language.” I asked: “Would the
opponents of Qaim be also
called in his name?” “No,” he said, “For them Iblees will
call out at the end of the
night and put suspicion in the hearts of the people.”
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 288
9 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ali Majilaway (r.a.) that he
said: Narrated to us my
uncle Muhammad bin Abil Qasim from Muhammad bin Ali Kufi from
Muhammad bin Abi
Umair from Umar bin Uzaina that he said: Abi Abdullah (a.s.)
said to me: Amirul Momineen
(a.s.) said:
“The son of the liver-eater will come out from the valley of
Yabis. He shall
be of medium height. His face will be horrible. He will be
fat. His face will be
pockmarked. He will be one-eyed. His name will be Uthman and
his father’s
name will be Anbasa. He will be from the progeny of Abu
Sufyan. He will camp
in Kufa where he will sit on the pulpit.”
10 - Narrated to us Ahmad bin Ziyad bin Ja’far Hamadani: Narrated
to us Ali bin
Ibrahim bin Hashim from his father Ibrahim bin Hashim from
Muhammad bin Abi Umair
from Hammad bin Uthman from Umar Ibne Yazid that he said: Abi
Abdullah as-Sadiq (a.s.)
said to me:
“If you have seen Sufyani you have seen the most horrible
man. He is red,
blond and blue. He will say: My Lord, I will take revenge
even if I have to go to
Hell. The extent of his evil is that he would bury alive his
slave mother so that
she may not reveal his true ancestry.”
11 - Narrated to us my father and Muhammad bin Hasan - May
Allah be pleased with
them – they said: Narrated to us Muhammad bin Abil Qasim
Majilaway from Muhammad bin
Ali Kufi: Narrated to us Husain bin Sufyan from Qutaibah Ibne
Muhammad from Abdullah
bin Abi Mansur Bajali that he said: I asked Abi Abdullah
(a.s.) about the name of Sufyani. He
“Why do you want to know his name? When he conquers the
districts of
Shaam, Hams, Palestine, Jordan and Qanassireen, you wait for
the reappearance.”
I asked: “Would he rule for nine months?” He replied: “No,
only for eight
months and not a day more.”
12 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Ishaq Taliqani (r.a.): Narrated to us
Ahmad bin Ali Ansari from Abi Salt Harawi that he said: I
asked ar-Reza (a.s.):
“What would be the sign of your Qaim when he reappears?” He
replied: “He
will be advanced in age but he will seem like a young man.
Whoever sees him
will say that he is forty or less. The rotation of days and
nights does not affect
him till his last.”
13 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ali Majilaway (r.a.) from
his uncle Muhammad bin
Abil Qasim from Muhammad bin Ali Kufi from his father from
Abi Maghra from Mualla bin
Khunais from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 289
“The call of Jibraeel will come from the sky and the voice of
Iblees will
come from the earth. So you must obey the first call and do
not pay attention to
the second since it would be to spread mischief.”
14 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Musa bin Mutawakkil:
Narrated to us Abdullah bin
Ja’far Himyari from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Hasan bin
Mahboob from Abu
Hamza Thumali that he said: I asked His Eminence, Abu
Abdillah Sadiq (a.s.): Abu Ja’far
(Imam Baqir a.s.) says: The advent of Sufyani is inevitable.
He replied:
“Yes, and the conflict of Bani Abbas, the killing of the Pure
Soul (Nafs-eZakiyya), the advent of Qaim (a.s.) are among the inevitable
occurrences. I
asked: How would the call be? He said: On the first day the
caller will call out
from the sky: Indeed, the truth is with Ali and his Shias.
After that Iblees, may
Allah curse him, will call at the end of the day that: Indeed, the truth is with
Sufyani and his followers. Thus at that time those who are
inclined to falsehood
will fall into doubt.”
15 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan (r.a.): Narrated to us
Husain bin Hasan bin
Aban from Husain bin Saeed from Safwan bin Yahya from Isa bin
Ayyan from Mualla bin
Khunais from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) that he said:
“Indeed the advent of Sufyani is inevitable and it shall take
place in the
month of Rajab.”
16 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Hammad bin
Isa from Ibrahim bin Umar from Abi Ayyub from Harith bin
Mughaira from Abi Abdullah
(a.s.) that he said:
“There will be a call from the sky on Friday eve on the 23rd
of the month of
17 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Musa (r.a.): Narrated
to us Abi Abdullah Kufi:
Narrated to us Muhammad bin Ismail Barmaki: Narrated to us
Ismail bin Malik from
Muhammad bin Sinan from Abil Jarud Ziyad bin Mundhir from Abi
Ja’far Muhammad bin
Ali Baqir from his father from his grandfather that he said:
Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said from
the pulpit:
“A man from my descendants would appear in the last period of
time. His
complexion would be fair with a reddish hue and he would have
a broad stomach,
his thighs would be big. And his sides would be broad. He
would have two
moles, one skin colored and the other like the seal of
prophethood of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.s.). He would have two names, one is
confidential and the other,
popular. His secret name is Ahmad and his known name is
Muhammad. When he
hoists and waves his flag he would illuminate the east and
the west. He would
stroke the heads of the people. Thus there would not remain
any believer but that
his heart would become as a strong as a mountain of steel and
Allah, the Mighty
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 290
and the High would give each of them the strength of forty
men. And no corpse
would remain but that the celebration of his reappearance
would reach its grave
as the believers in the grave also would see him in their
graves and they would
greet each other upon the reappearance of Qaim (a.s.).”
18 - And from the same chain of narrators from Muhammad bin
Sinan from Amr bin
Shimr from Jabir from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he said:
“Knowledge of the book of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and
the Sunnah
of His Messenger develops in the heart of our Mahdi, just as
a plant grows to
perfection. Thus whosoever of you survives till he sees him,
when you meet him
you must greet him by the words: “Peace be on you, O folks of
the house of
mercy and prophethood and the mine of knowledge and the abode
In another narration the Imam is saluted as follows: Peace be
on you O the
remnant of Allah on His earth.
19 - Narrated to us Husain bin Ahmad bin Idrees (r.a.):
Narrated to us my father from
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Isa from Husain bin Saeed from Ali bin
Abi Hamza from Abi
Baseer that he said: Abu Ja’far (a.s.) said:
“The advent of the Qaim shall take place on a Saturday, the
day of Ashura;
that is the day of the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.).”
20 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Ibne Abi
Umair from Abi Ayyub from Abi Baseer that he said: A man from
Kufa asked Abi Abdullah
“With how many men would the Qaim arise? It is said that he
will appear
with 313 persons, equal to the martyrs of Badr?” The Imam
said: “He will not
appear till he has the required number of people and that
number is not less than
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 291
22 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan (r.a.): Narrated to us
Muhammad bin Yahya
al-Attar from Muhammad bin Husain bin Abil Khattab from
Safwan bin Yahya from Mandal
from Bakkar bin Abi Bakr from Abdullah bin Ijlan that he
We were discussing the advent of the Qaim in the company of
Abi Abdullah
(a.s.) when I asked him: “How would we know about this?” He
replied: “When
you get up in the morning, a slip of paper will be found
below your head with the
following written on it: Obedience with recognition.”
And it is narrated that the following shall be written on the
banner of Imam
Mahdi (a.s.): The Allegiance is for Allah, the Mighty and
23 - Narrated to us my father: Narrated to us Ali bin Ibrahim
from his father from
Muhammad bin Abi Umair from Amr bin Abil Miqdam from his
father from Ubaid bin Karb
that he said: I heard Ali (a.s.) say:
“There is a flag for us; and one who goes ahead of it is a
transgressor and
one who lags behind it, is destroyed and one who follows it
would achieve the
24 - Narrated to us Ali bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Ahmad bin
Abi Abdullah Barqi that
he said: Narrated to me my father from his grandfather Ahmad
bin Abi Abdullah Barqi from
his father Muhammad bin Khalid from Ibrahim bin Uqbah from
Zakariya from his father from
Amr bin Abil Miqdam from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he said:
“A fool from the Bani Abbas will be murdered secretly. The
cause of his
death shall be that he would have married a eunuch who will
slay him when he
get an opportunity. This murder will remain unreported for
forty days before it
would be discovered. So the police will go out in search of
this eunuch but they
will not return before the downfall of their rule.”
25 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Hasan (r.a.): Narrated to us
Husain bin Hasan Aban
from Husain bin Saeed from Nadhr bin Suwaid from Yahya Halabi
from Hakam Hannat from
Muhammad bin Hammam from Ward from Abi Ja’far (a.s.) that he
“Two signs will be seen before the reappearance: there will
be a lunar
eclipse for five days and there will be solar eclipse for
fifteen days. Such a
phenomenon has not taken place since the arrival of Adam
(a.s.) on the earth. At
that time the calculations of the astrologers will fail.”
Kamaaluddin wa Tamaamun Ni’ma p 292
26 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Nadhr bin
Suwaid from Yahya Halabi from Muammar bin Yahya from Abi
Khalid Kabuli from Ali bin
Husain (a.s.) that he said:
“The Bani Abbas will establish a city on the banks of the
Euphrates. Their
kingdom will last for a year after this.”
27 - And through the same chain of narrators from Husain bin
Saeed from Safwan bin
Yahya from Abdur Rahman Ibne Hajjaj from Sulaiman bin Khalid
that he said: I heard Abi
Abdullah (a.s.) say:
“The reappearance of the Qaim will be preceded by two types
of death: the
red death and the white death. Five out of seven people will
perish through this.
The red death is killing by the sword and the white death is
28 - Narrated to us Muhammad bin Musa bin Mutawakkil:
Narrated to us Ali bin Husain
Sadabadi from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Khalid from his father
from Muhammad bin Abi
Umair from Abi Ayyub from Abi Baseer from Abi Abdullah (a.s.)
that he said:
“There will be a solar eclipse on the 5th of Ramadhan
preceding the
reappearance of the Qaim.”
29 - And through the same chain of narrators from Abi Ayyub
from Abi Baseer and
Muhammad bin Muslim that they said: We heard Abi Abdullah
(a.s.) say:
“It will not take place till two-third of human population
does not perish.”
He was asked: “If two-third perish, who will remain?” He
replied: “Are you not
satisfied that one-third will remain?”
Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Ali Babawahy the author of this book
says: I
have mentioned the signs of reappearance of Qaim (a.s.), his
biography and
whatever will occur during his time in the book As Sirrul
Maktoom Ilal Waqtul
Maaloom. And there is no power and strength except by Allah
the High and the Mighty.
Ali Korani, Epoch of the Appearance, p 47
Now we mention a narrative that has quoted about the three groups
that disagree and included: forces of
Qys force. Sfyany would defeat them with his arrival. This
narrative in Bahar from Imam Sadiq (AS)
has narrated:
"O Sadir!: always stay home, like a spread rug and relax
yourself like day and night, then when Sfyany
exit migrate toward us even on your foot. I said: My master is
there anything before that ? he said: yes
and with his three fingers pointed his hand toward the Sham and
said: in the Sham three (forces) the
Hassany, Amavy, and Qys get together while disagree with each
other, suddenly Sfyany exit and kill
them like I've never seen like that before".
This narrative is difficult to accept because it is against many
narratives that determine the triple
groups and connect them to Abq, Ashab and Sfyany, also late
Kolayny in his book Kafi v. 8 p. 264
narrates this narrative until "even on your foot". And
it is possible that the last part added or some
interpretation from some narrators has mixed with the main
narrative ... to the end.
Supposing that is true, the Hassani flag should be mixed with
Hussein which is the same one as
Khrasanyan and companions of black flags and as we said previously
their forces will be with
Moroccan forces in the Sham and Umayyad flag is the same as Ashab
and flag of Qys is the same as
Abq flag that many narratives mention his relationship to Egypt.
But some narratives indicate that he
starts his movement from Egypt or he is from Egypt and tribe of
Qys... As there is a narrative express
that Sfyany would rule over Egypt... and God knows better
Also there is another narratives that says:
"A man from the Bani- Hasham command and kills children of
Umayeh in a way that does not leave
them except a few of them and kill the rest, then a man from
Bni-Umayeh exit and for every man he
kills two men so that, except women does not remain anyone and at
that time Imam Mahdi (AS) would
appear ". (1)
But this narrative does not determine the territory of this
Hashami man who is before the Sfyany is
Hejaz or Iraq.. and if narratives, determine that Sham is his
territory, it should be before Abqe, because
the narratives believe the Sfyany's uprising against him and Ashab
and killing them and narratives
both of them enemies of Ahlulbayt and Shiites
Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) had prohibited Muhammad bin Abdullah
bin Hasan Muthanna
staging an uprising and also prophesied his killing, but the latter didn’t pay