The end-time phenomena concerning the Sufyani’s rise in
Syria have been prophesied by the family of the Prophet Muhammad (sawaws), the
Ahlul Bayt (as), and can be chronologically laid out in a timeline, beginning
with the Sufyani’s emergence in the Islamic month of Rajab. We can deduce from
the current state of crisis in Syria, and other signs indicative of the
imminent emergence of Imam Mahdi, al Hujjat al Qa’im bil Haqq (atfs), that this
current month of Rajab 1433, which runs from approximately 23 May until 20 June
2012 (which perhaps not coincidentally is the Summer Solstice), will see the
emergence of the Sufyani. Riwayat, or traditions, from Bihar al Anwar and other
major Shi’a books of hadith (sayings of the Prophet and his Pure Family) indicate
that by the month of Rajab, conditions in Syria will have reached the state of
civil war, with three factions or banners competing for governance of the
nation. One faction will be fighting under a striped banner, which seems to
indicate the “Stars and Stripes” of the United States flag. A second faction will
be fighting under a yellow banner, which seems to indicate it will be under the
guidance or direction of Hezbollah, the resistance movement in Southern Lebanon
whose yellow flag bears an image of an AK-47. The third faction is that of the
Sufyani, who at some point in Rajab will turn the tide of the Syrian civil war
to dominate. Let us look more closely at
these three factions and the interests that they represent.
The United States of America, by all indications, despite a
claim to even-handedness and a desire not to fuel the flames of the Syrian
crisis with additional violence, is under the table arming and funding the
violent opposition to the current Syrian regime under Bashar al Assad. American
foreign policy since World War II, often through the use of the CIA, has never
been hesitant to spill blood overtly or covertly for immediate and long-term
economic gain and protection of “American interests abroad”. Syria is certainly
no exception, and despite prevarications by Hillary Clinton and the State
Department regarding a desire to see a nonviolent resolution to the Syrian matter with Assad
stepping down as a result of a peaceful opposition’s civil disobedience, such a
scenario is a fairy-tale, and regardless of any possible misgivings America might
have about arming al Qaeda, again, they are quite willing to do it (Libya being
the most recent case in point), even it will mean the blood of hundreds of
thousands of innocent Shi’a spilt (or perhaps precisely so, because there is an
awareness at the highest levels of US intelligence that the Shi’a continue to
remain as the unwavering resistance to American unipolar hegemony worldwide, a
true opposition to Satan/Capital’s injustice, as opposed to the controlled
opposition of al Qaeda/Salafism/Wahhabism and the like). The official
opposition to Assad is supposedly under the governance of the Syrian National
Council, which itself is disunited.
The SNC in turn runs the “Free Syrian Army”, who are claimed to be former
members of Assad’s military who have broken ranks and taken up arms on the side
of the opposition. The Free Syrian Army has 22 battalions, with the one
engaging the city of Damascus called the Muawiyah bin Abi Sufiyan battalion,
named after the dictator who opposed the first three Shi’a Imams and caused the
death of thousands of Muslims. Abu Sufyan, the husband of Muawiyah’s mother,
Hind, was an opponent of the prophet Muhammad (sawas) from the start. His wife
Hind is known as the liver-eater, for having paid an assassin to kill Hamza,
the prophet’s beloved uncle, and consequently eating Hamza’s liver on the
battlefield. The figure of the Sufyani is named after Abu Sufyan, and is also
referred to by the Ahlul Bayt (as) as the son of the liver-eater. It is from
this accursed family line, damned by Allah (swt) in the Holy Qur’an as an “accursed
tree” (Surah al ‘Isra, 17:60, Surah Ibrahim 14:26), that the Sufyani emerges.
It should be noted that the enemies and murderers of Imam Ali, Imam Hassan, and
Imam Hussain (as), came from this family line: Abu Sufyan, Muawiyah, Yazid
(though technically Muawiyah’s paternity is not known because he was conceived
when Hind engaged in the pre-Islamic Jahiliyyah practice of nikah ijtimah, a form
of polyandry in which a group of less than ten men would have sex with a woman,
and if a child resulted, one of the men was picked to father it). The official,
Western backed opposition is thus itself infused with Nasibi (anti-Shi’ah)
Israel and Mossad no doubt would also like to see
this formal opposition triumph, because its leadership has indicated that if
successful in regime change it would mend ties with Tel Aviv. Given that
heretofore Syria has been a haven for and a sponsor of anti-Zionist movements
such as Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Zionist entity
would see this as a positive turn of events on its border. Israel in the past
has created major instability in Syria, supporting the 1976-1982 Muslim Brotherhood-inspired
uprising that ended in February 1982 with the Hama massacre, with anywhere from
10-40 thousand participants being killed in the suppression of the rebellion
under the presidency of Hafez al-Assad, and the military command of his younger
brother, General Rifaat al-Assad. This was not the last time Israel would
support an Islamist movement to weaken an opponent – HAMAS itself was initially
backed by Israel to foment rivalry with Fatah and division amongst the
Palestinian nation. HAMAS, of course, later became a threat to Israel itself,
with backing from Syria and Iran. Its headquarters were based in Damascus since
the 1990s, and in 2012 they were moved out as a result of the Syrian political
crisis. Although HAMAS has received funding from Shi’ah Islamic Republic of
Iran and has worked with Shi’ah Hezbollah in Lebanon, their sympathies seem to
rest ultimately with Salafist elements partaking in the Syrian rebellion, and
their allegiances are with the Arab oligarchs who can provide them with continued
funding, resulting in an attempt to move their Politburo office to Qatar this
year. Qatar, the American vassal in the Persian Gulf which uses the BBC spinoff
Al Jazeera News to create a false, controlled opposition to Zionism/colonialism
amongst the Arab masses, has itself has
made no secret of sending a thousand mercenaries to kill Syrian soldiers,
mostly from the ranks of Libyan al-Qaeda, fresh off the heels of their victory
in the months long NATO and Qatar-backed civil war against Qadhaffi.
Thus the differences between the Western backed opposition
and the violent takfiri Salafist rebellion become more blurred the closer one
examines them. Effectively, the official opposition is presented to the public
as the peaceful, non-violent, color revolution which wants Syria to become a
friend of the West and Israel, as is prepared to march and tweet until they get
their demands. NATO has ruled out military involvement in Syria, which unlike
Libya would be a quagmire for them. Thus while overtly supporting the striped
banner of the formal opposition (which itself does have an armed wing), the
West is also covertly supporting the Salafist/Wahhabi/al-Qaeda terrorist
opposition from which the Sufyani will emerge, because they are the ones who
can do the West’s dirty work without Western leaders like Obama getting their
hands dirty. Perhaps the Sufyani’s “true colors” are revealed in the riwayat
from Bihar al Anwar which says that the Sufyani himself is colored red, blond,
and blue. Thus this Frankstein’s monster is an American creation of the red,
white, and blue, but in the mean time will wreak havoc throughout the Middle
East in an attempt to prove its Salafist credentials. Another riwayat indicates
that after the Mahdi eventually defeats the Sufyani, the Sufyani will flee and
take refuge in the West/Europe, and this will be the basis for the Mahdi’s
anger towards the West, a demand that the Sufyani be returned to Islamic land
to face justice for his fitna.
The pro-Western banner and the Sufyani banner are
thus intertwined, but this month the latter will prevail. The banner of
righteousness will be the third banner, the yellow banner of Hezbollah, who
will defend the interests of the Ahlul Bayt (as) and their Shi’ah. Sayyid
Hassan Nasrullah has been discussed as the figure of the Yamani, presented in
the riwayat as being the banner of righteousness, because while Lebanese, he is
of Yemeni descent. Hezbollah’s participation in the Syrian conflict is
inevitable. The month of May 2012 has already witnessed a spillover of Syrian
violence into Lebanon. The capital of
Lebanon, Beirut, itself has just in the past week seen gunfights and killing as
a result of clashes between pro-Assad and anti-Assad elements. Interestingly
enough, these first clashes have been between pro-Assad Sunnis and anti-Assad
Sunnis, with Hezbollah itself not yet taking a direct role. This is salient
because riwayat concerning the Sufyani indicate that even though he will take
power in Rajab, the Shi’ah will mostly be spared his blood-letting for a month
or two – he will be focusing his wrath on more immediate enemies. This is not dissimilar
to the approach taken by Salafis in Iraq
and elsewhere, assassinating Sunnis who they accuse of collaborating with their
claimed enemy, be it the Shi’ah or the West – the takfirist ideology allows for
the Salafis to go to great lengths to declare practically everyone else in the
Muslim Ummah as a heretic. This devilish self-righteousness was prophesied by
Muhammad (sawaws), when he said that a fitna would emerge from Najd, modern-day
Riyadh, which would see youths pretending to be more righteous in their beliefs
and deed than their fellow Muslims, killing other Muslims and leaving the
disbelievers alone. While the Shi’ah will be let off the hook for a month or
two, in the end their blood will be spilt the most, with riwayat indicating
that anyone named Hassan or Hussein will be martyred simply for being Shi’ah.
This genocide will take place with the tacit approval of a Salafist-tinged “New
Middle East”.
A word needs to be said regarding the Muslim Brotherhood. In
its original formulation, while majority Sunni, the Muslim Brotherhood, or
Ikhawan al-Muslimin, supported unity between Sunni and Shi’ah. Its founder,
Hassan al Banna, had positive views regarding the Shi’ah community, called for
unity among various Muslim madhahib (doctrinal schools), and invited Shi’ah
from Iran and elsewhere to participate in the Brotherhood, which they gladly
did. The Muslim Brotherhood in turn played a role as one of the influences upon
Ayatollah Khomeini, through Nawab Safawi, and upon the Islamic Revolution in
Iran. Sayyid Qutb, another prominent Muslim Brother, was translated by IRI
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei into Farsi. HAMAS was created in Palestine by
Muslim Brothers, and has had an amicable relationship with Iran up until now.
Nonetheless, despite pro-Iran, pro-Shi’ah, and pro-Islamic Unity elements
within the Muslim Brotherhood, the Brotherhood today has Salafi and anti-Shi’ah
elements as well. Turning back to the incidents of Hama, Syria, in 1982 - the
memory of tens of thousands of Muslim Brothers being killed by the Assad family
has not been erased. Present-day events
remind the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere of the massacre of 1982, and passions have been ignited for
revenge. With the fall of Husni Mubarak,
the Muslim Brotherhood has taken a prominent place in Egyptian politics. In
recent parliamentary elections, the Muslim Brotherhood have taken approximately
50% of the seats, and overtly Salafi candidates have taken another 25%. This
Salafist Bloc will force the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood closer to more
explicitly anti-Shi’ah positions. Today’s presidential elections in Egypt may
also have the result of creating an atmosphere conducive to MB-Salafi influence.
Conspiracy theories have abounded regarding the origins and role of the Muslim
Brotherhood and the Salafiyya, and while pro-Zionist mainstream media CNN and
Fox News commentators like Glenn Beck maintain that Obama is a secret Muslim
Brother seeking the destruction of America, a more likely conspiracy is that
Freemasons, MI5, MI6, and the CIA have all played their role in shaping the
Muslim Brotherhood, from the Western plot against Nasserism through to the
present Arab Spring. A Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi coalition ruling Egypt may
create an atmosphere conducive to anti-Shi’ah sentiment, and at the very least
create a complicit silence of tacit support once the Sufyani targets the Shi’ah.
A taste of things to come: when HAMAS leader Ismail Haniyeh first broke with
Assad and announced his support for the opposition in Syria at a Muslim
Brotherhood rally in Cairo, members of the crowd shouted “ No Iran, No
Hezbollah. Syria is Islamic.” The Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, which has also
been considered moderate, has called for jihadi fighters to flock to Syria to fight
the Assad government as well.
The Ahlul Bayt (as) have
forewarned their Shi’ah about these events to take place this month of Rajab.
They have counseled us not to take sides in the conflict until the emergence of
the Sufyani. A nuanced approach is necessary, and a multifaceted analysis
requires that we not jump to take sides until it is clear who we are dealing
with, who our friends are, and who are enemy is. After all, while Bashar
al-Assad is Alawi Shi’a, his political party the Ba’ath Party (the same party
which brought Saddam Hussein to power) was founded by Michel Aoun, a secularist
Orthodox Christian (some say secret Jew). Rushing to wholeheartedly back al-Assad
would be a mistake, as would outright condemning him. The opposition also has
some legitimate grievances, but the rising frequency of al-Qaeda style
suicide/homicide bombings targeting civilian centers in Damascus and elsewhere
in Syria indicates that the opposition will soon be dominated by al-Qaeda. Very
soon the Shi’ah of the region will be dragged into the conflict in Syria. The
latest news that Lebanese Shi’ah have been kidnapped by Syrian rebels may be
the opening salvo in the Sufyani’s war, and foreshadows the inevitable: Shi’ah
will be targeted by Salafis in a sectarian conlict regardless of their stance.
The Pure Imams (as) have told their Shi’ah that once the Sufyani emerges in
Rajab, the Shi’ah should go to the aid of the Ahlul Bayt (as). Shi’ah
worldwide, especially from Lebanon and Iran, will come to the aid of the Shi’ah
of Syria, once the Sufyani declares his war on the Family of the Prophet
(sawaws). The Aimmah (as) have warned
the Shi’ah of the region that once the Sufyani begins targeting them, the only
place of safety will Mecca, to which they should make hijra, and where in
Muharram they will meet their Imam Mahdi al Hujjat al Qa’im bil Haqq min Al-e
Muhammad (atfs).
To be continued very soon insha’Allah, with more extensive documentation
of riwayat concerning Rajab – Sufyani, heavy rains, the resurrection of the
dead, earthquakes – and analysis of their trustworthiness